Invisalign orthodontic treatment uses a progressive series of clear aligners in place of brackets and wires. They are removable, custom-fit trays that straighten teeth without traditional metal brackets. These aligners are removable orthodontic appliances that apply force to the teeth, causing them to gradually change their position. Because of their discreet appearance, they are a highly popular adult orthodontic treatment. However, they can also be used on teenagers. Even though Invisalign® uses aligner trays instead of brackets and wires, it has been found to be just as effective as traditional wire braces in correcting misaligned teeth. Additionally, retention rates after orthodontic treatment are similar to those of traditional metal braces.
Candidates for Invisalign® are individuals with any of the following problems:

Crowding – This occurs when there is too little space for the teeth to align normally in the mouth. Overcrowding can cause tooth decay and increase the likelihood of gum disease due to improper access to cleaning teeth surfaces.

Large gaps between teeth – This can sometimes occur because teeth are missing or because the jaw continues to grow abnormally. By moving the teeth into the correct position, proper space can be created to facilitate replacement of the missing teeth.

Open bite – An open bite exists when some teeth don’t meet. This can develop on it’s own or can be caused by a thumb sucking habit that continues after the adult teeth have formed. This can lead to eating problems, speech problems, and excessive wear of those teeth which do meet.

Protruded teeth – can be unattractive and more prone to damage. The lower front teeth often over-erupt and damage the palate behind the top front teeth.

Deep bite – The upper front teeth completely cover the lower teeth. A deep bite can cause excessive wear of the front teeth and clenching issues. Eventually, jaw pain and TMJ may occur.

Underbite – This is the inverse of the overbite; the lower teeth project further than, or completely cover, the upper teeth. Eventually, jaw pain and TMJ can occur. The lower front teeth protrude beyond the upper teeth. An under bite can be unattractive and can cause uneven wear of the front teeth.

During treatment, aligners must be worn for a minimum of 20-22 hours a day and should only be removed when eating, brushing, or flossing. Each aligner is worn for about 1-2 weeks before switching to the next aligner. The length of your treatment will depend upon your individual case and the proposed treatment length will be discussed during your consultation. On average, orthodontic treatment with Invisalign® lasts about 6-18 months. Refinements maybe needed which many prolong treatment.
After completing orthodontic treatment with Invisalign®, you can expect to be fit with a clear retainer that will maintain the position of your teeth. Immediately after completing Invisalign® treatment, this retainer will need to be worn full time for the first 3 months, but eventually it will only need to be worn at night for life to prevent teeth shifting.

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