Metal Braces

Metal Braces

Dr. Tamara received her training through a 2-year fellowship with Progressive Orthodontics to excel her skills in metal bracketing. Traditional metal braces, which use brackets and wire made from metal. Candidates are individuals who have teeth that are improperly spaced, overcrowded, crooked, overlapping, or that protrude from their mouth. Additionally, people who have an overbite, under bite, or cross bite are also candidates for dental braces.
When undergoing orthodontic treatment with dental braces you can expect to begin with a consultation discussing your individual case and proposed treatment plan. After your consultation, metal brackets will be adhered to the front surface of your teeth. A wire will then be placed over the brackets and elastic bands will be used to hold it in place. Once the braces have been placed, you will return about every 4-6 weeks to have adjustments made as necessary.
The length of your orthodontic treatment will depend upon your individual case and the proposed treatment length will be discussed during your consultation. On average, treatment with braces lasts about 18-36 months.

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    Our mission is to provide you with the very best dentistry available anywhere, enhanced by our advanced training, cutting edge technology, uncompromising commitment to excellence and outstanding patient care.

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